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November 26, 2023

Why Oregon Needs a Constitutional Amendment for Political Financing and Anti-Bribery Laws

Oregon's political landscape is at a crucial juncture. With the State Integrity Investigation in 2015 grading Oregon an "F" in systems to prevent corruption, particularly in political financing, the need for a constitutional amendment addressing political financing and anti-bribery laws has never been more pressing. This article delves into why such an amendment is vital for the integrity and health of Oregon's political system.

The Current State of Political Financing in Oregon

Oregon's lax laws on political financing have led to a system where the influence of money in politics is rampant. The state’s ranking as the second-worst in the nation in controlling "Political Financing" is a clear indicator that the existing framework is insufficient in ensuring fair and transparent electoral processes.

The Risks of Unchecked Political Financing

Unregulated political financing opens the door to a multitude of risks, including:

Undue Influence of Wealthy Donors: Large donations can lead to a disproportionate influence of wealthy individuals and organizations in political decisions.

Erosion of Public Trust: When elections are perceived to be influenced by money, public trust in the democratic process diminishes.

Barriers to Diverse Representation: High campaign costs can prevent potential candidates from diverse backgrounds from running for office.

The Role of Anti-Bribery Laws

While Oregon has standard laws against bribery, the intertwining of large political donations and policy decisions often blurs the lines between legal contributions and bribery. Stronger anti-bribery laws would:

Clarify Legal Boundaries: Clear definitions of what constitutes bribery in political contexts help maintain ethical standards in governance.

Deter Corruption: Stricter penalties and clearer laws act as a deterrent to corrupt practices.

Promote Accountability: Enhancing anti-bribery laws ensures that public officials are accountable for their actions.

The Need for a Constitutional Amendment

A constitutional amendment is a powerful tool because:

Long-term Stability: Amendments provide a more stable and enduring solution than regular legislative changes, which can be easily overturned.

Public Involvement: Amending the constitution typically involves public input and referendum, ensuring that the changes reflect the will of the people.

Comprehensive Reform: An amendment can address both political financing and anti-bribery laws in a cohesive manner, tackling the issues at their root.

The Path Forward

Oregon needs a constitutional amendment to fundamentally reform its approach to political financing and anti-bribery laws. This requires:

Public Awareness and Advocacy: Educating the public about the importance of this issue and mobilizing support for change.

Collaboration Across the Aisle: Bipartisan support is crucial for such a significant change.

Inclusive Dialogue: Ensuring that diverse voices, especially those who have been marginalized in the political process, are part of the conversation.


Oregon stands at a crossroads. The adoption of a constitutional amendment focusing on political financing and anti-bribery laws is not just a legal necessity but a moral imperative. Such an amendment would be a significant step towards restoring integrity, fairness, and trust in Oregon’s political system, ensuring that it serves the interests of all its citizens, not just the few with deep pockets.

November 15, 2023

Dan Meek's Vision for Honest Elections in Oregon: A Discussion on KBOO Community Radio


On KBOO Community Radio's "Keeping it Real," host Lisa Loving engaged in a crucial conversation with Dan Meek, a renowned public interest attorney and key figure in the Honest Elections Oregon initiative. The topic: Initiative Petition 9 and its potential to revolutionize campaign finance in Oregon.

The Drive for Change: Initiative Petition 9

Initiative Petition 9 is more than a policy proposal; it's a call for a fundamental shift in Oregon's political landscape. As Meek elaborated, this ballot initiative aims to establish actual limits on campaign contributions, a move that could dramatically alter how elections are funded and conducted in the state. The stakes are high, and the need for reform is clear.

The Role of Public Involvement

Gathering enough signatures to place Initiative Petition 9 on the 2024 ballot is a significant challenge. Organizers need to collect 180,000 signatures, a feat that requires widespread public engagement and support. Meek's discussion on KBOO emphasized the importance of grassroots involvement in bringing this initiative to life.

What's at Stake?

If successful, Initiative Petition 9 could set a precedent not only in Oregon but across the United States. By imposing strict limits on campaign contributions, Oregon can lead the way in promoting a more equitable and democratic electoral process where the voice of every citizen carries weight, irrespective of financial clout.


The conversation between Lisa Loving and Dan Meek on KBOO's "Keeping it Real" sheds light on a critical moment in Oregon's political history. Initiative Petition 9 represents a bold step towards curbing money's influence in politics, ensuring that elections are decided by the power of ideas rather than the power of the purse. As Meek articulated, the success of this initiative depends on the active participation of Oregonians who believe in the integrity of their electoral system. 

You can listen to the interview here: Keeping It Real, Lisa Loving and Dan Meek

The Transformative Impact of Campaign Finance Reform in Oregon


In recent years, Oregon has been at the forefront of a significant shift towards greater transparency and equity in political campaign financing. The push for campaign finance reform, embodied by hashtags like #OregonCampaignReform and #FinanceReformOR, is not just a political movement but a call for a more democratic and accountable electoral process. This blog delves into the profound impact these reforms are having on Oregon's political landscape.

The Need for Reform: #MoneyOutPoliticsOR

For decades, the influence of money in politics has been a growing concern. In Oregon, the rallying cry of #MoneyOutPoliticsOR has echoed across the state, highlighting the need for a system where elections are not merely contests of financial might. Campaign finance reform is a crucial step towards ensuring that elected officials are responsive to their constituents, not just their largest donors.

Promoting Transparency: #ORFinanceTransparency

One of the pillars of the campaign finance reform movement in Oregon is the drive for transparency, captured by the hashtag #ORFinanceTransparency. Transparency in campaign finance means voters have clear insights into who is funding political campaigns and how that money is being spent. This level of openness is essential for a healthy democracy, as it helps prevent undue influence and corruption.

Empowering Small Donors: #FairFundingOR

A key component of Oregon's finance reform is the emphasis on small donor contributions, a movement encapsulated by #FairFundingOR. This approach aims to reduce the disproportionate influence of large donors and corporate PACs, empowering everyday citizens in the political process. By amplifying the voices of smaller donors, Oregon is working towards a more equitable and representative electoral system.

Impact on Elections: #TransparentElectionsOregon

The hashtag #TransparentElectionsOregon reflects the aspiration for elections that genuinely represent the will of the people. Campaign finance reform has the potential to change the dynamics of electoral campaigns, making them less about financial muscle and more about the issues that matter to voters. This shift can lead to more competitive races and a wider diversity of candidates, ultimately strengthening democracy.

Challenges and Future Directions: #AccountablePoliticsOR

While the progress in Oregon has been commendable, the journey towards fully accountable politics, as highlighted by #AccountablePoliticsOR, is ongoing. The challenges include legal battles, political resistance, and the continuous evolution of campaign financing methods. Yet, the commitment to reform remains strong among Oregonians.


Campaign finance reform in Oregon, a cause championed by many, including those rallying behind #OregonForFairCampaigns, is more than a legislative agenda. It's a movement towards a more equitable, transparent, and democratic political process. As Oregon continues to lead the way, the impact of these reforms will be watched and potentially emulated by other states seeking to restore integrity and fairness in their own political systems.


By embracing the spirit of #DemocracyNotDollarsOR, Oregon is setting a powerful example of how states can take tangible steps towards reducing the outsized influence of money in politics, ensuring that the voices of all citizens, regardless of their economic status, are heard and valued in the political arena.

November 7, 2023

Bringing Honesty to Elections: Unpacking Oregon’s IP 9 Initiative for Campaign Finance Reform

Oregon stands on the cusp of a pivotal change, with the IP9 Initiative aimed at restructuring the very fabric of political campaigning in the state. Spearheaded by Honest Elections Oregon, this initiative is a clarion call for transparency, fairness, and equity in electoral processes.

Contribution Limits

IP 9 proposes stringent contribution limits to candidates, PACs, and political parties, thereby mitigating the undue influence of monetary contributions on electoral outcomes. In a groundbreaking move, it bans contributions by for-profit corporations, thus ensuring that political power isn’t concentrated in the hands of a few.

Disclosure Requirements

Transparency is the cornerstone of any democracy. The initiative mandates that significant campaign contributors or independent spenders report on ORESTAR, each source providing over $5,000 per year for political advertisements. This move aims to unveil the shadowy figures behind political funding, shedding light on ‘dark money’ and its influence.

Protecting Democracy

Other significant provisions of IP 9 include the removal of exceptions for campaign contributions in defining bribery of public officials and limitations on candidates' carry-over of funds, preventing incumbents from amassing intimidating war chests. These measures safeguard the sanctity of political competition, ensuring a level playing field for all aspirants.

Enforcement and Penalties

IP9 introduces stricter penalties for campaign finance violations and modifies the enforcement system, allowing final decisions to be subject to judicial review. These robust mechanisms will hold violators accountable, reinforcing the credibility of Oregon’s electoral system.


The passage of IP9 is a step towards a more transparent, equitable, and honest political environment in Oregon. By supporting this initiative, we are not just reforming campaign finance but reaffirming our commitment to democracy. Join Honest Elections Oregon in championing this cause – sign the petition for Campaign Finance Reform and be part of the change.

Don’t let the voices of Oregonians be drowned out by dark money. Please stand with us for transparent and honest elections. 

#OregonCampaignFinanceReform #IP9Initiative #HonestElectionsOregon