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February 4, 2024

Making Elections Fair Again: The Impact of IP9 on Oregon's Democratic Landscape

In the current political climate, where the influence of money threatens to erode the foundational principles of democracy, Oregon stands at the forefront of a crucial battle for electoral fairness. Initiative Petition 9 (IP9) emerges as a beacon of hope, promising to restore integrity and equity to elections in Oregon. This blog explores the transformative potential of IP9, illustrating how it can make elections fair again by ensuring transparency, reducing the influence of big money, and leveling the playing field for all candidates and voters alike.

Ensuring Transparency in Political Funding

Transparency is the first step toward fairness in any democratic system. IP9 proposes to peel back the layers of anonymity that currently shield the identities of major political donors, bringing to light the sources of campaign financing. This move is pivotal for several reasons:

  • Informed Voting: When voters know who is funding political campaigns and ballot initiatives, they can make more informed decisions at the ballot box. Understanding the financial backers behind certain candidates or measures can reveal potential biases or conflicts of interest, allowing voters to consider whether these align with their values and interests.
  • Public Accountability: Transparency forces political actors and their financiers to be more accountable to the public. When contributions are made in the open, donors and recipients alike must consider the reputational implications of their actions, fostering a more responsible political landscape.

Reducing the Influence of Big Money

The outsized influence of wealthy individuals and entities in elections is a pressing concern for many democracies, including Oregon. By dictating the terms of political discourse, big money can drown out the voices of ordinary citizens. IP9 aims to mitigate this by:

  • Limiting Spending: By imposing restrictions on campaign contributions, IP9 seeks to reduce the ability of wealthy donors to exert undue influence over the political process.
  • Empowering Small Donors: Encouraging participation from a broader base of small donors can democratize funding, ensuring that campaigns are powered by the people, not just by the wealthy. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and engagement among a wider segment of the electorate.

Making Elections Equal for All

Fair elections are not just about regulating money; they're also about ensuring that all candidates have a fighting chance to present their ideas to the electorate. IP9 contributes to this goal by:

  • Encouraging Diverse Representation: By diminishing the financial barriers to entry, IP9 can enable a more diverse range of candidates to run for office. This diversity enriches the political dialogue and ensures that a wider array of perspectives is represented.
  • Fostering Competitive Elections: When no single candidate or party can dominate the political landscape through financial superiority, elections become more competitive. This competitiveness obliges candidates to engage more deeply with voters and to hone their policies and platforms, enhancing the overall quality of political representation.


IP9 represents a critical step toward reclaiming the democratic ideals of fairness, transparency, and equality in Oregon's electoral process. By addressing the pervasive issues of dark money and disproportionate influence, this initiative lays the groundwork for a political environment where every vote truly counts, and every voice can be heard. In doing so, IP9 not only promises to make elections fair again but also to revitalize the democratic spirit, ensuring that Oregon's political future is shaped by the collective will of its people, not by the financial clout of the few. As Oregonians, supporting IP9 is not just a vote for electoral reform; it's a commitment to a more just, equitable, and democratic society.

January 17, 2024

Initiative Petition 9: A Step Towards Transparent and Accountable Elections in Oregon

Initiative Petition 9 stands as a pivotal measure in Oregon's political landscape, aiming to fundamentally reshape the way elections are financed and conducted in the state. Its primary goals and mechanisms are designed to create a more level playing field in the electoral process, ensuring that the democratic system genuinely reflects the will of all its constituents.

Primary Goals of Initiative Petition 9:

1. Limiting Campaign Contributions: One of the key objectives of this initiative is to set strict limits on the amount of money that individuals, corporations, and other entities can contribute to political campaigns. This move aims to curb the influence of big-money donors in the political process, ensuring that candidates are less beholden to a few wealthy contributors and more attentive to the broader electorate.

2. Enhancing Transparency: Initiative Petition 9 seeks to increase the transparency of campaign financing. This includes robust disclosure requirements for campaign contributions and expenditures. By doing so, it ensures that voters have clear and accessible information about who is funding political campaigns and how their money is being spent. This level of transparency is crucial for building trust in the electoral system and empowering voters to make informed decisions.

3. Promoting Equity: At its core, the initiative is about promoting equity in the political process. By limiting the outsized influence of wealthy donors, it aims to give a stronger voice to average citizens, ensuring that their concerns and perspectives are not overshadowed by those with deeper pockets. This equitable approach is crucial for a healthy democracy where all voices are heard and valued equally.

How It Seeks to Reform Campaign Finance:

  • Caps on Contributions: By implementing caps on contributions, the initiative directly targets the disparity in political influence exerted by different economic groups. This ensures that wealthy individuals and entities cannot use their financial power to gain disproportionate influence over political campaigns.
  • Disclosure Requirements: The initiative's emphasis on disclosure requirements means that all significant financial contributions to political campaigns will be public knowledge. This level of openness deters unethical financing practices and encourages candidates to seek a broad base of support.
  • Empowering Small Donors: By limiting large contributions, the initiative inherently empowers smaller donors, making their contributions more impactful. This shift can encourage greater public engagement in the political process, as more individuals feel that their contributions can make a difference.

In essence, Initiative Petition 9 is about restoring the foundational principle of democracy: that the power to influence political decisions should lie equally with all voters, not just the economically affluent. By pushing for these reforms in campaign finance, the initiative promises to bring about more honest and equitable elections in Oregon, ensuring that the state's democracy is a true reflection of its diverse populace.

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December 24, 2023

Oregon's Call for Change: The Journey of Initiative Petition 9 and Legislative Hesitancy


Navigating Oregon's Campaign Finance Waters: From Measure 107 to Initiative Petition 9

In the realm of Oregon politics, the quest for campaign finance reform has been a pressing issue, resonating deeply with its electorate. This was emphatically demonstrated with the passage of Measure 107, where a resounding 78% of Oregon voters voiced their desire for substantial changes in how campaign contributions are regulated. However, despite this clear mandate, the Oregon Legislature has remained notably inactive in translating this voter enthusiasm into concrete legislative action. This gap between public will and legislative inertia has given rise to Initiative Petition 9 (IP 9). 

Designed as a direct response to the Legislature's inaction, IP 9 embodies the collective aspiration of Oregonians to reform the way political campaigns are financed, striving to ensure a fairer and more transparent electoral process. As we delve into the journey of IP 9, we uncover a narrative of democratic engagement, legal challenges, and the unyielding spirit of Oregon's citizenry in their pursuit of a more accountable political landscape.

Legislative Resistance Despite Voter Support

Despite the overwhelming support for Measure 107, a clear mandate from the Oregon electorate for campaign finance reform, the response from the Oregon Legislature has been markedly tepid. This lack of momentum reflects a significant disconnect between the voters' aspirations and legislative action. Understanding the reasons behind this hesitancy is key. Legislators are tasked with navigating a complex array of competing interests and priorities, making the implementation of campaign finance rules a daunting challenge. Different factions within the legislature have differing views on how to best approach this reform, contributing to a lack of consensus and delay in action. 

Furthermore, these regulations require careful consideration to balance free speech rights with the need for transparency and fairness in political funding. The task involves intricate legal nuances and potential constitutional implications, making it a politically sensitive and legally intricate endeavor. This complexity, coupled with the diverse interests at play, has resulted in a legislative gridlock, with lawmakers struggling to devise a framework that satisfies the diverse stakeholders while adhering to the principles of effective and equitable campaign finance reform.

As a result, the path to achieving the goals set forth by Measure 107 remains mired in legislative uncertainty. This has led to frustration among many Oregonians who eagerly await the fulfillment of a promise made at the ballot box – a promise of a more transparent and equitable political process.

Here's How Initiative Petition 9 Can Fix These Issues

Initiative Petition 9 (IP 9) stands as a beacon of reform in Oregon's political landscape, emerging as a direct response to the Legislature's inaction following the approval of Measure 107. This petition is a reflection of the voters' will, aimed squarely at enhancing transparency and fairness in Oregon's political financing.

Key provisions of IP 9 include:

1. Contribution Limits: IP 9 proposes stringent caps on contributions to candidates, political committees, and political parties for both state and local government offices. It also seeks to ban contributions from for-profit corporations, ensuring that the electoral process is not unduly influenced by corporate interests.

2. Shining a Light on Dark Money: A central feature of IP 9 is its focus on transparency, particularly concerning 'dark money'. The initiative would require campaigns and dark money groups to disclose their largest funders in advertisements and reveal the original sources of their funds, thereby demystifying the source of political spending.

3. Additional Provisions for Integrity: Beyond the above listed provisions, IP 9 includes measures to remove exceptions in Oregon's bribery laws that legalize bribery with campaign contributions, limit the carry-over of funds from one election to another by candidates, and require more comprehensive campaign finance information in printed and online Voters' Pamphlets. It also proposes increased penalties for campaign finance violations and modifications to the system for enforcing these violations.

By laying out these provisions, IP 9 addresses the critical need for a cleaner, more accountable political system in Oregon, steering the state towards a future where political power is not merely a function of financial might but a reflection of the collective voice of its citizens.

The Current Landscape and Challenges Ahead

As IP 9 makes its way towards the 2024 ballot, it faces a political landscape fraught with challenges. Signature gathering, a crucial step in the process, demands considerable effort and resources, especially in a post-pandemic environment where traditional methods of canvassing may be less effective. 

Legislative and legal hurdles also loom. The Oregon Legislature's historical reluctance to enact robust campaign finance reform indicates potential resistance, and legal complexities could arise, given the complicated nature of campaign finance laws.

Amidst these challenges, the urgency of IP 9 grows. Recent campaigns in Oregon have seen record-breaking expenditures, underlining the substantial influence of wealthy interests in state politics. This trend underscores the critical need for IP 9, aiming to ensure that the political voice of the average Oregonian is not drowned out by the financial clout of a few. As the 2024 ballot approaches, the impetus lies in overcoming these hurdles to actualize a vision of more equitable and transparent political financing in Oregon.

Oregon's Governor's Races are listed above. In 2022, the cost was over $70 Million.

Now is the Time for Action

The journey of IP 9 is not just a political campaign; it's a movement for the people of Oregon to reclaim their democratic voice. Your support is crucial. Engage with this reform by volunteering for signature gathering efforts, which is vital for getting IP 9 on the 2024 ballot. Educate others about the importance of this measure and the impact of campaign finance on our political system. Share information, participate in community discussions, and encourage friends and family to get involved. Every signature, every conversation, and every informed voter brings us closer to a more equitable and transparent political process in Oregon. Join this movement and be a part of shaping a fairer future for Oregon's democracy.

We Need Your Help

Please consider donating to the Support Petition 9 Campaign. You'll help us get Initiative 9 on the ballot, which will help us create an Oregon we're all happy to call home. Join us in the mission to create a political landscape that truly represents the people of Oregon. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal.

Oregon offers an income tax credit for qualifying Oregon tax filers who contribute to qualifying state, federal or local political campaigns. The total credit is limited to $100 on a joint return or $50 on a single or separate return. Please see the Oregon Secretary of State for details. Contributions or gifts to this campaign are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Cited Sources and more details can be found at the following:

Honest Elections Oregon. (n.d.). IP 9 Summary. Retrieved from
Honest Elections Oregon. (n.d.). Petition 9. Retrieved from
Jaquiss, N. (2023). Good government groups are pushing campaign finance limits in Oregon. They might have competition. OPB. Retrieved from
Jaquiss, N. (2021). Measure 107 allows campaign finance limits in Oregon. OPB. Retrieved from
OregonLive. (2022, November). Political donors spent more than $70 million on Oregon governor's race. Retrieved from

November 26, 2023

Why Oregon Needs a Constitutional Amendment for Political Financing and Anti-Bribery Laws

Oregon's political landscape is at a crucial juncture. With the State Integrity Investigation in 2015 grading Oregon an "F" in systems to prevent corruption, particularly in political financing, the need for a constitutional amendment addressing political financing and anti-bribery laws has never been more pressing. This article delves into why such an amendment is vital for the integrity and health of Oregon's political system.

The Current State of Political Financing in Oregon

Oregon's lax laws on political financing have led to a system where the influence of money in politics is rampant. The state’s ranking as the second-worst in the nation in controlling "Political Financing" is a clear indicator that the existing framework is insufficient in ensuring fair and transparent electoral processes.

The Risks of Unchecked Political Financing

Unregulated political financing opens the door to a multitude of risks, including:

Undue Influence of Wealthy Donors: Large donations can lead to a disproportionate influence of wealthy individuals and organizations in political decisions.

Erosion of Public Trust: When elections are perceived to be influenced by money, public trust in the democratic process diminishes.

Barriers to Diverse Representation: High campaign costs can prevent potential candidates from diverse backgrounds from running for office.

The Role of Anti-Bribery Laws

While Oregon has standard laws against bribery, the intertwining of large political donations and policy decisions often blurs the lines between legal contributions and bribery. Stronger anti-bribery laws would:

Clarify Legal Boundaries: Clear definitions of what constitutes bribery in political contexts help maintain ethical standards in governance.

Deter Corruption: Stricter penalties and clearer laws act as a deterrent to corrupt practices.

Promote Accountability: Enhancing anti-bribery laws ensures that public officials are accountable for their actions.

The Need for a Constitutional Amendment

A constitutional amendment is a powerful tool because:

Long-term Stability: Amendments provide a more stable and enduring solution than regular legislative changes, which can be easily overturned.

Public Involvement: Amending the constitution typically involves public input and referendum, ensuring that the changes reflect the will of the people.

Comprehensive Reform: An amendment can address both political financing and anti-bribery laws in a cohesive manner, tackling the issues at their root.

The Path Forward

Oregon needs a constitutional amendment to fundamentally reform its approach to political financing and anti-bribery laws. This requires:

Public Awareness and Advocacy: Educating the public about the importance of this issue and mobilizing support for change.

Collaboration Across the Aisle: Bipartisan support is crucial for such a significant change.

Inclusive Dialogue: Ensuring that diverse voices, especially those who have been marginalized in the political process, are part of the conversation.


Oregon stands at a crossroads. The adoption of a constitutional amendment focusing on political financing and anti-bribery laws is not just a legal necessity but a moral imperative. Such an amendment would be a significant step towards restoring integrity, fairness, and trust in Oregon’s political system, ensuring that it serves the interests of all its citizens, not just the few with deep pockets.

November 15, 2023

Dan Meek's Vision for Honest Elections in Oregon: A Discussion on KBOO Community Radio


On KBOO Community Radio's "Keeping it Real," host Lisa Loving engaged in a crucial conversation with Dan Meek, a renowned public interest attorney and key figure in the Honest Elections Oregon initiative. The topic: Initiative Petition 9 and its potential to revolutionize campaign finance in Oregon.

The Drive for Change: Initiative Petition 9

Initiative Petition 9 is more than a policy proposal; it's a call for a fundamental shift in Oregon's political landscape. As Meek elaborated, this ballot initiative aims to establish actual limits on campaign contributions, a move that could dramatically alter how elections are funded and conducted in the state. The stakes are high, and the need for reform is clear.

The Role of Public Involvement

Gathering enough signatures to place Initiative Petition 9 on the 2024 ballot is a significant challenge. Organizers need to collect 180,000 signatures, a feat that requires widespread public engagement and support. Meek's discussion on KBOO emphasized the importance of grassroots involvement in bringing this initiative to life.

What's at Stake?

If successful, Initiative Petition 9 could set a precedent not only in Oregon but across the United States. By imposing strict limits on campaign contributions, Oregon can lead the way in promoting a more equitable and democratic electoral process where the voice of every citizen carries weight, irrespective of financial clout.


The conversation between Lisa Loving and Dan Meek on KBOO's "Keeping it Real" sheds light on a critical moment in Oregon's political history. Initiative Petition 9 represents a bold step towards curbing money's influence in politics, ensuring that elections are decided by the power of ideas rather than the power of the purse. As Meek articulated, the success of this initiative depends on the active participation of Oregonians who believe in the integrity of their electoral system. 

You can listen to the interview here: Keeping It Real, Lisa Loving and Dan Meek

The Transformative Impact of Campaign Finance Reform in Oregon


In recent years, Oregon has been at the forefront of a significant shift towards greater transparency and equity in political campaign financing. The push for campaign finance reform, embodied by hashtags like #OregonCampaignReform and #FinanceReformOR, is not just a political movement but a call for a more democratic and accountable electoral process. This blog delves into the profound impact these reforms are having on Oregon's political landscape.

The Need for Reform: #MoneyOutPoliticsOR

For decades, the influence of money in politics has been a growing concern. In Oregon, the rallying cry of #MoneyOutPoliticsOR has echoed across the state, highlighting the need for a system where elections are not merely contests of financial might. Campaign finance reform is a crucial step towards ensuring that elected officials are responsive to their constituents, not just their largest donors.

Promoting Transparency: #ORFinanceTransparency

One of the pillars of the campaign finance reform movement in Oregon is the drive for transparency, captured by the hashtag #ORFinanceTransparency. Transparency in campaign finance means voters have clear insights into who is funding political campaigns and how that money is being spent. This level of openness is essential for a healthy democracy, as it helps prevent undue influence and corruption.

Empowering Small Donors: #FairFundingOR

A key component of Oregon's finance reform is the emphasis on small donor contributions, a movement encapsulated by #FairFundingOR. This approach aims to reduce the disproportionate influence of large donors and corporate PACs, empowering everyday citizens in the political process. By amplifying the voices of smaller donors, Oregon is working towards a more equitable and representative electoral system.

Impact on Elections: #TransparentElectionsOregon

The hashtag #TransparentElectionsOregon reflects the aspiration for elections that genuinely represent the will of the people. Campaign finance reform has the potential to change the dynamics of electoral campaigns, making them less about financial muscle and more about the issues that matter to voters. This shift can lead to more competitive races and a wider diversity of candidates, ultimately strengthening democracy.

Challenges and Future Directions: #AccountablePoliticsOR

While the progress in Oregon has been commendable, the journey towards fully accountable politics, as highlighted by #AccountablePoliticsOR, is ongoing. The challenges include legal battles, political resistance, and the continuous evolution of campaign financing methods. Yet, the commitment to reform remains strong among Oregonians.


Campaign finance reform in Oregon, a cause championed by many, including those rallying behind #OregonForFairCampaigns, is more than a legislative agenda. It's a movement towards a more equitable, transparent, and democratic political process. As Oregon continues to lead the way, the impact of these reforms will be watched and potentially emulated by other states seeking to restore integrity and fairness in their own political systems.


By embracing the spirit of #DemocracyNotDollarsOR, Oregon is setting a powerful example of how states can take tangible steps towards reducing the outsized influence of money in politics, ensuring that the voices of all citizens, regardless of their economic status, are heard and valued in the political arena.

November 7, 2023

Bringing Honesty to Elections: Unpacking Oregon’s IP 9 Initiative for Campaign Finance Reform

Oregon stands on the cusp of a pivotal change, with the IP9 Initiative aimed at restructuring the very fabric of political campaigning in the state. Spearheaded by Honest Elections Oregon, this initiative is a clarion call for transparency, fairness, and equity in electoral processes.

Contribution Limits

IP 9 proposes stringent contribution limits to candidates, PACs, and political parties, thereby mitigating the undue influence of monetary contributions on electoral outcomes. In a groundbreaking move, it bans contributions by for-profit corporations, thus ensuring that political power isn’t concentrated in the hands of a few.

Disclosure Requirements

Transparency is the cornerstone of any democracy. The initiative mandates that significant campaign contributors or independent spenders report on ORESTAR, each source providing over $5,000 per year for political advertisements. This move aims to unveil the shadowy figures behind political funding, shedding light on ‘dark money’ and its influence.

Protecting Democracy

Other significant provisions of IP 9 include the removal of exceptions for campaign contributions in defining bribery of public officials and limitations on candidates' carry-over of funds, preventing incumbents from amassing intimidating war chests. These measures safeguard the sanctity of political competition, ensuring a level playing field for all aspirants.

Enforcement and Penalties

IP9 introduces stricter penalties for campaign finance violations and modifies the enforcement system, allowing final decisions to be subject to judicial review. These robust mechanisms will hold violators accountable, reinforcing the credibility of Oregon’s electoral system.


The passage of IP9 is a step towards a more transparent, equitable, and honest political environment in Oregon. By supporting this initiative, we are not just reforming campaign finance but reaffirming our commitment to democracy. Join Honest Elections Oregon in championing this cause – sign the petition for Campaign Finance Reform and be part of the change.

Don’t let the voices of Oregonians be drowned out by dark money. Please stand with us for transparent and honest elections. 

#OregonCampaignFinanceReform #IP9Initiative #HonestElectionsOregon

October 31, 2023

Ensuring Transparent Political Funding in Oregon: A Call to Action


The integrity of our democratic process hinges on transparency and accountability, especially regarding campaign financing. In Oregon, we pride ourselves on our progressive values and commitment to fair play, and it’s time we turn our attention to a crucial issue that affects us all: Campaign Finance Reform. This blog post is a rallying cry to my fellow Oregonians, particularly local business leaders who have a pivotal role in bringing about change. 

Understanding the Need for Reform

Transparent political funding is not just a buzzword; it is the foundation of a healthy democracy. When political contributions are made in the shadows, it becomes difficult to hold elected officials accountable, and the voice of the average citizen is drowned out by big money. This is different from the Oregon we want to live in.

Local business leaders, as a demographic, have significant influence in our state, and it’s time to use that influence for the greater good. By championing campaign finance reform, we can ensure a level playing field for all candidates, regardless of their financial backing, and restore trust in our electoral process.

The Role of Transparent Political Funding

Transparent political funding means that every dollar donated to a political campaign is accounted for and made public. This allows voters to see exactly who is supporting a candidate and helps to prevent undue influence from wealthy donors and corporations.

In Oregon, we have the opportunity to lead the nation in campaign finance reform, but we can only do it with your support. That’s why we’re asking for your help to get enough signatures to have our petition accepted and Initiative 9 on the ballot in November 2024.

Taking Action Together

It’s time to stand up for what is right and ensure a transparent, accountable political process in Oregon. Here’s how you can help:

1. Sign the Petition: Add your name to the growing list of Oregonians calling for campaign finance reform. Every signature brings us closer to getting Initiative 9 on the ballot.

2. Spread the Word: Talk to your friends, family, and colleagues about the importance of transparent political funding. Use your influence to raise awareness and garner support.

3. Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers working on the ground to collect signatures and mobilize voters.

4. Donate: Support our efforts financially, ensuring we have the resources we need to make our campaign a success.


The time for change is now. By advocating for transparent political funding, we can create a more equitable and just political system in Oregon—one where every citizen’s voice is heard and our elected officials are held accountable. So, let’s come together, take action, and make history. Help us put Initiative 9 on the ballot and bring campaign finance reform to Oregon.

More Information:

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October 25, 2023

5 Overwhelming Influences of Corporate Money in Politics: A Cry from the Heart of Political Activists

In the sprawling landscape of modern politics, voices of individual citizens often echo with a sense of diminishing resonance. For us, political activists dedicated to the cause of campaign finance reform, the towering shadow of corporate money feels not just daunting but overwhelming. 

Our concern isn't just a theoretical debate – it's a palpable, daily struggle against a tide that seems insurmountable.

1. The Magnitude of the Issue:

The influence of corporate money in politics has grown exponentially over the years. Large corporations, with their deep pockets, have found ways to funnel vast amounts into campaigns, dwarfing individual contributions and, in many cases, dictating the narrative of entire elections.

2. The Challenge to Democracy:

A Shift in Loyalty: The inherent danger of unchecked corporate contributions is the potential shift in loyalty. Instead of elected officials prioritizing the needs and voices of their constituents, there's a looming risk that they become more responsive to the desires of their largest financial backers.

Erosion of Trust: This disproportionate influence creates a rift between the electorate and their representatives. It leads to skepticism, where decisions made in office are viewed through a lens of doubt, questioning whether they were for public good or corporate benefit.

3. The Overwhelming Feeling:

As activists, our journey is filled with passionate rallies, grassroots campaigns, and educational drives. But facing the tidal wave of corporate funds:

David vs. Goliath: The battle often feels like a mismatch. While grassroots movements gather pennies and dimes, corporations write checks with many zeros. The disparity is not just monetary but also in the outreach and influence that money can buy.

Drowning Voices: It's disheartening to witness genuine concerns of everyday citizens getting overshadowed by the louder, amplified messages funded by corporate money.

4. The Silver Lining:

Despite the challenges, our resolve has never wavered. And there are reasons for hope:

Growing Awareness: The very fact that campaign finance reform has become a mainstream issue shows that people are waking up to the realities and demanding change.

Successful Movements: States and municipalities across the country have started enacting campaign finance reforms, proving that change, while slow, is possible.

5. Our Continued Fight:

Our strategy as activists needs to be multifaceted:

Educate and Engage: It's imperative to continuously educate the public about the repercussions of unchecked corporate influence in politics.

Support Reform Candidates: Backing candidates who prioritize campaign finance reform can bring about legislative changes from within.

Build Alliances: Forming coalitions with other like-minded groups can amplify our collective voice and resources.


The feeling of being overwhelmed is real, but so is our commitment. In the face of the giant that is corporate money in politics, we stand firm, united by the belief that democracy should represent all voices equally. We've embarked on this journey not because it's easy, but because it's necessary. To all fellow activists, let's remember: every tidal wave begins with a single ripple. Let's be that ripple.